Clevedon Quarry critical to support Auckland’s construction growth
With Auckland’s construction sector estimated to balloon by 70 percent over the next decade, Clevedon Quarry is perfectly positioned for growth. Located on the outskirts of eastern Auckland, the greenfield site will be a key quarry resource for Auckland.
Quarry manager Ross Twidle agrees. “Clevedon is a critical piece in the puzzle”, he says. “The site’s in a premium location and has the capacity to service all facets of Auckland’s aggregates requirements for the next 50 years.”
Right now, the priority for Clevedon Quarry is access. A haul road to RL85 has been constructed and once the weather is dry enough, construction will begin on an extension that will provide access to and from RL200. At RL200 a pad will be formed to provide a space for processing material.
First though, the team must create a plan that will future-proof the development of the quarry. “Complexity is the biggest thing”, says Ross. “We have a very steep site to RL300 and we need to plan thoroughly to avoid issues down the track. The investment in Clevedon will be significant.”
The team are currently overlapping plans (drone aerials versus the original quarry development plan). Once all risks have been assessed and mitigated, a plan of design and construction to RL200 will begin – around October this year.
The goal is to be producing aggregates towards the end of summer 2022.